Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pure virgin coconut oil for weight loss?

My friend is really into health food and alternative medicines. She swears by pure virgin coconut oil and keeps insisting that I try it to help with weight loss and metabolism. I'm just curious to hear about the benefits and if it's OK for your body if you eat it with food on a regular basis.Pure virgin coconut oil for weight loss?
Although I am not a healthcare pro or anything, I've been using extra virgin coconut oil for about a month now. I've noticed a small weight loss (5lbs) but I do feel great! I use it before I work out in the morning and I do seem to have more energy. My skin also is more clear and smooth. There is a book called ';The Coconut Diet'; (you can get it on, I just bought the book and have not finished it yet. I does give you ideas on what foods to eat with the coconut oil. I have a hard time eating it. It looks like Crisco and the consistancy makes me gag. I've been putting into a cup of hot water to melt it with sugar free instant coffee powder in the morning and drinking it that way. It helps it go down better. I also seem to not want sweets as much and I feel quite full after drinking it. So far no negative effects but no Major weightloss either.

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