Friday, December 18, 2009

Over 40 weeks pregnant now! is walking a proven fact to help induce labour and is castor oil safe?

also, not very nice but throughout my pregnancy i was very constipated and for the last few days im never off the loo, is my body getting prepared??Over 40 weeks pregnant now! is walking a proven fact to help induce labour and is castor oil safe?
Walking does not induce labour. It helps as far as the pelvic floor and to keep up strength (you're gonna need it). It helps keep the lower body somewhat limber as well. Your body would be preparing for labour at this point but the issues with your bowels is not part of that. Best of luck with the birthing and congrats!Over 40 weeks pregnant now! is walking a proven fact to help induce labour and is castor oil safe?
Yes, your bodies getting ready, it will let out everything it doesn't need. Also, walking works, but more than that, nipple stimulation does. Look it up online, I did it, and it worked. Walking did not for me. Also, no castor oil. It, more than anything will make you sick.
Do not do the whole castor oil thing, it will just make you sick. Walking does help, so does having sex and eating foods with a lot of herbs (like a big salad).
Yes definitely sounds like you are close, i would say within about a week you will have your baby.

There is never any proven fact as people do not want to waste money on proving things like that with medical facts.

Castor oil should only be done done you reach 42 weeks as a last option and only one-two tablespoons in the morning. If nothing happens, try again in a few days.

Walking will help as gravity is a key role in helping labour along due to the weight of your baby pushing on your cervix, this will help you have stronger for efficent contractions and will help you dilate quicker. Other things you can do are stairs, circling your hips, female orgasm(this is also handy if you are already getting some mild contractions) and one thing i think every women needs to do more of is relax....and not just sitting on your bottom on the couch watching TV...i mean really relaxing, getting a massage, deep breathing, having some real quality time with your partner thats not OBVIOUSLY going to lead to sex, meditation. You know your body and how best to relax yourself so do what you think will best relax you.
No walking is not guaranteed to induce labor. In fact, it really DOESN'T induce labor. It can help baby settle down into your pelvis whch can, in turn, start to dilate your cervix, but it doesn't cause labor to begin.

(Remember, if there were sure-fire methods of inducing labor at home, there would be no need for costly hospital-based methods like pitocin and cervidil and there would be a LOT fewer c-sections.)

And no, castor oil is not safe.
Yes i would say that your body is getting ready :-)

Nothing has actually been prooven to induce labour but they say walking can help your baby move down and press on your cervix but as i said its not a fact.

I really wouldn't try castor oil, it'll only make you ill. Yes it can put you into labour but you'll most likely spend your labour being sick and with severe diarrheaa which you don't need when your about to push out a baby.

Try sex and nipple stimulation as these actually can help and are fun to try :-)

Good luck and hope your baby comes out soon.
walking helps the baby move lower down to prepare for birth and please dont have castor oil,your baby will come naturally like god intended,please dont drink that gross stuff,let nature take its course
Opinions on castor oil vary. When I was pregnant with my first, I went to ante natal classes, and the midwife there talked about going overdue, and 'natural' methods of inducing labour. She recommended castor oil - but did point out it would give you the sh*ts. The flip side of castor oil is that some studies have linked it with babies passing meconium in utero. Having said that also, that was normally in women who took it before they were due.

Similarly, around two days or so before I went into labour with #1 I went off my food, I couldn't eat but I was also sellotaped to the toilet. Next thing I knew, I was in the cinema and in labour. Not fun to watch a film whilst huffing and puffing through contractions. Emptying out the bowel is the body's way of preparing for the next thing its going to eject!

It sounds as though your body is gearing up to give birth asap. Castor Oil and spicy food work in the same way - they stimulate the bowel (to poop) and in turn it irritates the uterus, which contracts.

Walking is supposed to help the head drop into the pelvis, and down to where it is supposed to be ready to give birth. Plus the movement can help to stimulate other muscular movements (ie contractions!) and start labour.
yep... thats normal. bit grose but apparently its normal to poo a bit while giving birth!

my friend gave birth last night.

she went into labour after eating some spicy Thai food from the take-away and had the baby 3 hours later.

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